Why Captain Cabin Is Always On The Starboard Side? | Sailorinsight
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Why Captain Cabin is always on the Starboard Side?

Why Captain Cabin is always on the starboard side?

There are many questions that we come through when we are on board, to which everyone comes up with extraordinary answers.

Today i will share out the answer of most common question on boar the ship:-“why Captain Cabin is always on the starboard side” from my common findings from all the answers which i have got

It has been tradition that you will find that from early ages only captains cabin has been on starboard side except some exceptional cases where it will be found that captain has got his cabin on port side 

So lets figure this out:-

1) In the old days STBD side was considered as a superior side in every sense, that’s why every superior thing existed on the STBD side, be it the flag etiquettes or watch system in which the superior person always used to do watch from STBD side on the bridge and as CAPTAIN being overall in charge of the ship(most superior person) was given cabin on STBD side 

2)However in modern days this is not the case, in the modern era, the STBD side is the give wayside in colreg ROR (Rules Of The Road), and CAPTAIN is expected to see the traffic on the STBD side of a ship and always be aware of the traffic situation. In case if his vessel has to take action for the vessel on his ship’s STBD side he can also have watched the action taken by the OOW.

Do you have any other theory or do you agree with this explanation?  Do you have any other such questions? Leave a comment.

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