Certificates are prone to mistakes either due to typographic errors or due to the name change of the seafarers in the passport. Your certificate, CDC should not contain any mistakes to work smoothly on a ship.
The correction of the seafarer’s details in the CDC can be corrected by the seafarer by, sending a request letter and the required fees receipt to the Shipping Master’s Office by Speed/Registered Post, from where the CDC was issued.
most of the guys got difficulties doing corrections of details in the CDC booklet. thru this article, I will explain to you about “CDC CORRECTION PROCEDURE ″.
Following documents required for CDC Correction
- Letter for a request of CDC details correction.
- Bharat Kosh payment( Fee: 700 INR ) Receipt printout.
- Copy of supporting document for proof of change Eg. Passport.
- Original CDC to be sent to the Government Shipping Office.
Procedure for Bharat Kosh Payment
- Always use windows internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox for better resolution. Most government websites work better on windows internet explorer & Mozilla Firefox.
- Go to google and type Bharat Kosh in the search bar and search page open click on the first search result BHARATKOSH

- if you are already registered you can directly log in after putting in your user id and password and select payment to GOI under the make your payment tab otherwise you need to click on the non-registered users.

- Hover over your cursor on ” NON REGISTERED USERS ” it will redirect you to a new window called the “Payment purpose “
- select depositor category from drop-down list “individual” and click on search icon adjacent to box provided for the purpose.

- After clicking on the search icon a new pop-up window will open. select the Ministry and Purpose. Select the Ministry as Shipping and start entering the words exam in the Purpose field.

- Once the word exam is typed, the list of available options starts appearing. For ports on the East Coast, select EXAMINATION FEE FOR PAO SHIPPING KOLKATA. For ports on the West Coast, select EXAM FEE PAYABLE TO PAO SHIPPING MUMBAI.
- After selection click on Search. The list of options for the PAO appears, select the appropriate option which displays the MMD it is paid to.

- The payment purpose form gets filled automatically. Enter the fee Amount as 700 and type in the remarks as Correction fees for CDC No.: (Your CDC No.). fill the captcha and click on Add button.

- The payment form gets updated. Click on the Next button you will be redirected to the new page. where you have to enter the depositor’s details.

- Fill in the depositor’s details after confirming that all the data which you have entered is correct.

- Select payment method online payment or SWIFT/NEFT/RTGS and fill in the captcha and click the On Next button. you will be redirected to a new page where you can do your payment by debit card/credit card /net banking.

- Click on the Next button. and you will be redirected to a new page where you can do your payment by debit card/credit card /net banking/UPI.

- After the selection of the mode of payment fills the captcha below and checked the acknowledgment radio button and click on the Pay button.

- After clicking on the Pay button, you will be redirected to the payment gateway page where you fill in your bank details and complete the payment. The transaction receipt for the payment appears after successful completion of payment for download and printing.
- Take a printout of your payment receipt acknowledgment which you need to send along with your other documents
The Shipping Master
Government Shipping Office
Nau Bhavan, 10 R,K, Marg, Mumbai-400 001
The Shipping Master
Govt. Shipping Office,
Anchorgate Building, 3rd Floor,
P.B.No.5004, Rajaji Salai,
Chennai-600 001
The Shipping Master,
Government Shipping Office
Marine House, Hastings, Kolkata-700 022
Enclose all the above documents and send thru Speed post to the Govt. Shipping Office.
Note : Request letter format you can download from this link
The Government Shipping Office will check the request for correction, and if everything found in order they will correct the CDC and send you back. otherwise the reason for rejection of correction will be stated in a letter and sent you back along with the CDC without any change.
Hope you understand the procedure for correction of CDC details.any difficulties please do let us in comment section we love to hear from our readers.
better send it to Mumbai only
Sir my CDC issued from mumbai for coorection or in purpose option in the process where should sent it
Better send it to Mumbai.
I have send my cdc along with all my above documents what my Cdc returned back without changes stating apply on line and attach filed on line
I have correction for feedback
Hi sir ,
Is this procedure can we do in 2023 or only online.
Hi sir ,
Is this correction procedure is available or not.
Or just we need to do the online replacement for cdc for correction.
Because right now I am doing online but name is coming like surname before first name
Hi! My CDC was issued by Mumbai office. Now, for changing my address can I send my documents to chennai office or should it be Mumbai only?
Hi … I have followed all your process in CDC correction…and done a speed post a week back but haven’t heard back from shipping master regarding CDC correction status…where can check the status and how long does it take to get it corrected…. thanks for your help
I have correction in cdc I was sailing from 2010 now company is say to add my surname in cdc which is as in passport so what is the procedure for that and what documents I should submit
your cdc is old cdc or new? if it is old cdc then better change with new one.
Sir recently received my CDC. Iam apply for Sid. but Sid application was rejected because of my CDC identification mark column is typed by normal. this shipping officer tell pls chenge the CDC and correction for identification mark is moles same as the ssc certificate.should be what iam do.pls tell me sir
Name on my name CDC initial are different according to passport , how to correct , what is the procedure
Can you please tell us the procedure to correct name in COC as well.
Follow this procedure
My place of birth is written in my CDC but it is not matching with my passport what are the procedure to correct my CDC as I cannot do my SID card due to this mismatch
Yes in some country’s it might create problems.
Hi my name on my passport is Pankaj Adhikari my father name is bhabani adhikari in my cdc it’s mentioned my father first name also in my name
It’s come like this Adhikari pankaj bhabani ! And my passport is pankaj Adhikari will that creat problem in imigration
I have changed my name in my can i change my name in my STCW certificates
Sir I have applied for CDC , I have received it with incorrect address, so I sent my CDC back and apply for replacement of CDC . Please advise what should I do now ?
How can i change the mistake (name) in stcw certificates??
Thank you sir for sharing information
To correct name in individual certificate you have to contact to respective institution with your Supporting Documents to correct name in your certificate and issue new certificate.
Dear Sir,
I had done the basic STCW course
I have Recently changed my name from Rohan Ravindranath Singh to Rohan Ravi Serrao
the same name change has been done in my Passport and Indos
I want to change my name in my course certificates and apply for a new CDC with new name
Please let me know the procedure to change my name in my course certificates
Hoping to hear a positive reply from you
On the purpose column there is no option for correction of CDC,and which option i choose to apply Chennai shipping office .