GMDSS global maritime distress and safety system. After clearing this exam we will get GOC (green book ) which is required for all the navigators for operating all GMDSS equipment on board. this certificate is issued by the MOC (Ministry of Communication) and the validity of the GOC booklet is 10 years from the date of the issue.
To operate GMDSS equipment, we need to renew this certificate from time to time. most of the guys had difficulties renewing the GMDSS booklet. Through this article, I will explain to you about “GMDSS GOC RENEWAL PROCEDURE ″.
Fees for the Renewal
Enter amount 5000 or 10000, 5000 is for 20 years of validity and 10000 is for lifetime validity (you can choose anyone) as per revision of GMDSS renewal fees Wpc regulation Grs 1088 E
New User Registration on Saral Sanchar
- Always use Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox for better resolution. Most of the government websites work better on Windows Internet Explorer.
- Go to or click here
- if you are already registered you can directly log in after putting in your user ID and password otherwise you need to register first.
- Click on the registration link and a registration form will open. fill all the mandatory fields (*).

- In the registration form select the registration type Individual(WPC Exam/Certificate) Enter your date of birth, PAN Type ( Self) & PAN No.

- Leave the Blank corporate office and Registered Office Address. In the Address of the correspondent & authorized contact person fill in all details carefully Especially email and mobile No. because OTP will come on Email And mobile No which you mentioned. After filling in all the details correctly click on validate.

- you will receive OTP on your email & mobile number which you mentioned above. validate your OTP by filling in the designated field.
- After Validating OTP, fill in the captcha and click the submit button. After Submitting you will receive an email with your login credentials. (ID & Password)

- Come Back to the Home page and click on the login button a pop will open just accept and you will redirected to the login page. Fill in your user ID, password, and security code and log in. You need to change the password, as in emails received password is valid only for a single login.

- Once you change your Password you will be redirected to the saral sanchar site. Click on the WPC Button. You will be redirected to the next page where you fill in your personnel details.

- Fill in Your Personal and address details. foreign details leave it blank. once you have done everything click on the submit button your details will be saved.

Migration of documents to Saral Sanchar
- Select Apply for certificate and click on Gmdss Apply Now.

- As you are First time on Saral Sanchar Portal your GOC details will not be available on Saral Sanchar. You can check your GOC details in the migration Tab. Click on the migration tab New Window will open. select license type and enter your GOC on get details

Note: Your details are not available on the saral sanchar portal. you need to create a fresh request and migrate your document to the saral sanchar Portal.
- Click on the fresh request button below. pop-up window will open for confirmation accept all for fresh migration and fresh migration will be generated.

- After accepting confirmation you will redirected to a new window where all the prefilled details will be appear which you have filled earlier during the registration process. Just check all the details carefully, click save draft & go to next.

- Once you click on next you will be redirected to the personal details page. where all the details are pre-filled which you have filled earlier. just cross-check all the details. In licence details select RLO issuing zone.

Note: If you have any doubts regarding Your RLO Zone. on the top right corner, you see a helpdesk menu. Click on the helpdesk button and then the help request Form. A new window will open, Go to the issuing Area and expand the select option. you will see a list of all the zones.
- After selecting RLO Zone, upload a copy of your GOC booklet. No need for any attestation by a gazetted officer is required. Simply upload a copy of Your GOC booklet.

- After Uploading your copy of the GOC booklet scroll down the form and enter your GOC issue date and expiry date in the respective column. here licence fee will be zero as we are migrating our document to the Saral Sanchar portal. During migration, No license fee needs to be paid.

- Once you fill in the license issue and expiry date. scroll down from below, No need to upload any other documents. click on save draft, validate the application, and then submit. After Apply a pop-up appears for download pdf just click ok and confirm. no need to download it and your process of migration is completed.

Note: After successful migration is done. you can check your migration status in the migration tab. It takes about 15 days to complete migration and show the status migrated.

Renewal Of GOC
- Now go to the Licence issue/rejected tab. You will see in the action column, the “renewal of license” button appeared. before it was not coming. click on that button and you will be redirected to a new page. where you have to only upload a copy of your CDC with sea time attested by the gazetted officer.

Note: The link for uploading cdc will not appear unless you click on the save draft button.

- After uploading your CDC click on the next button and you will be redirected to the payment page. select Payment as per your requirement which is described earlier at the beginning of the article. (Fee for renewal)

After selecting payment calculate any late fee by clicking on the ”calculate late fee” button and then click on the next button. you will be redirected to the declaration page accept “terms & cond” then click on save draft, validate application, and submit.

- Once your applications are submitted go to the current application tab and make payment by following the payment gateway guidelines and your process of renewal completed.

- Now, wait for 10 to 15 days. Your certificate will be available for download in the Licence Issued & Rejected tab. once it is ready. You can download your certificate, take a printout, and keep it along with your GOC booklet.

Finally thanks for visiting our website I hope you like the post and helps you to renew your GMDSS GOC any suggestions or difficulties please join our forum
Hello Sir,
I am working at a Ground Station i.e. Port Control as Marine Radio Operator so i dont have CDC. I tried uploading my experience certificate on the portals option for provisional certificate and i paid for life time
After Srutiny my application reverted and reason stated DOT as
“Please upload experience certificate by choosing CDC/Experience upload option”
so i clicked on Whether HAve CDC option as Yes and uploaded the Experience certificate.
i have no idea on how to add CDC start Date and end date as my experience certificate is not a CDC.
Now after Validating the reason now i get as:
“Step 1: Sr.No.: 2 (I) Please Upload Attested Copy of Provisional Certificate!!”
so i approached Helpdesk and they reverted as conta t RLO.
How long I can renew my GOC after expiry date?
Kindly reply.
I have been applied for GMDSS booklet renewal in Mumbai. I have paid through bharatkosh and sent all documents required.
It’s already been 45 days and I haven’t received my renewal sticker yet.
How can I track whether my renewal sticker is ready or not?
hi good day
how long it will take to get if i apply to chennai ,Can anyone help
Good day
Kindly advise the correct address of WPC Mumbai for sending documents.
Gorai Road, Borivali or Sector 5, Kandivali.
there is no other option to track. either you wait or call them continuously.
No issue
Dear Sir,
I have made the application to mumbai RLO and paid the amount also to mumbai RLO
please advise if any issues
my goc was issued in mumbai
I called several times to Chennai office as its been 4 months , no one picks up or is there any tracking system.
you contact BharatKosh for a refund. if they refund then re-apply to Delhi.
Kindly advice
How to communicate to Delhi and Kolkata wpc wing for gmdss certificate update.
No body pickuping up phone
Sir ,
I requested for gmdss renewal certificate and same I pay at kolkata but I got rejected due to my gmdss certificate issue from new delhi,
so kindly advice process of refund money form kolkata, also advice how to contact them for the same.
you have to put GOC details and In detail of experience you have to add your sea experience during last 3 years.
Sir please advise ,in the form COP 23
DETAILS for certificate of Competency held:
We have to put our 2mate Coc details or the gmdss licence.
2. Details of experience the point no. 6 …
Can you please advise.
it takes usually 30 to 40 days. you can call Rlo nowadays peoples are saying they are answering the calls
Good day,
would you please advise below as
i have applied for goc renewal rlo mumbai
where i could see in the site for application status : received 17-02-2021
how long will it take to have the certificate issue
is there any tracking option available for knowing status of certificate.
Please guide incase payment fail due to error for GOC(GMDSS) renewal
My GOC license expiring in August 2022,still 18 months more,but my GOC endorsement expiring in may 2021,so when I made payment 10,000- Failed:but amount got deducted,how to get Refund and why it’s getting failed…? Pls assist
you contact first your respective RLO and confirm from them wheater they can issue you a duplicate certificate. if they can issue then follow their guidelines and don’t need to apply for the new one.
Good Day,
I have lost my GMDSS Booklet renewal certificate. How will I apply for a duplicate certificate of the same. Awaiting reply.
Thanks and regards.
Dear Sir,
Please advice
1) Once I paid RS 10000 for lifetime. Do i need to pay again Rs.1000 ? If YES, how to pay?
2) Do I need to attest all the documents by a gazetted officer?
how to calculate the late payment charge??? My goc booklet is expire on 23/06/2020
Please contact Mumbai RLO and confirm from them about your issue.
Dear sir,
my Goc issued fro mumbai and apply for renewal from RLO mumbai while making payment on bharat kosh paid to CONTROLLER OF COMMUNICATION MAHARASTRA- (077148). There is any problem with that.
please reply
Kindly confirm if the mailing address has been changed to :
“Western Regional Wireless Monitoring Head Quarter Campus, Gorai Road, Borivali West, Mumbai – 400091, Near Ganesh Temple (Map) ”
as being displayed on the internet. Shall I send my documents to this new address
Also please confirm if the office is still open during lockdown days and any process to track the application status.
6 months before you can apply for renewal
My GOC booklet is expiring on 09th May 2020.
Is it possible for me to get it renewed after its date of expiry.
And until when can I get it renewed?
First of all thanks for your quite helpful blog. Kindly clarify that self attest of forms is acceptable or not. If not then attest by any notary or any gazette officer is acceptable or not.
Thanks and Brgds
You select delhi and You send your document to the Delhi.
40 days ago, I had sent all the required documents as per above along with the Payment receipt of Rs. 10,000 to WPC Wing Regional Licensing Office, Ministry of Communications and IT Northern Regional Wireless Monitoring HQRS Campus, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, NEW DELHI-110030.
However, today when I called them up on +91 1126502671, the lady on the phone informed me that since my License was issued from the Sanchar Bhawan Office, I have to resend all the documents there.
However, in above Procedure, there is no mention of the same.
I stay in Pune, so my RLO has to be Mumbai, however, my GOC Licence is issued in Delhi, so what should i select when making payment, Mumbai or Delhi. Also where should i send my documents, Mumbai or delhi?
Good day,
Understand from few of my colleagues that attestation by gazetted officer is not required anymore and self attestation is sufficient.
Can you please confirm if the above info is correct or not.
YES, no need to fill on wpc website just fill COP 23 and send hard copy along with documents.
Hii sir,
I have made payment through bharakosh and have the receipt.
Do i need to log in any other portal (like WPC) and fill my application online??
or do i need to just fill up the COP.23 form and send the hard copy along with all the other documents by post.
what i will mentioned in cop 23,section 4 particular of the state bank of india draft encolsed
I have paid 10000 rupees through bharatkosh for lifetime gmdss renewal,what should i mention in COP 23 form about bank detail,where its written detail about state bank of India,is it company sea time letter compulsary
Yes it took 40 to 50 days and sometimes more wait for atleast two months if not rcvd then conatct RLO phsyically.
You need to again register and select controller as a Telecommunication .proceedure updated as per wpc guidelines.plz go through again.
Proceedure changes plz go through proceedure again and make payments.
Use mozila firefox.there is little changes in proceedure just go through again.while doing regsitration you need to select controller as a telecommunication.hope it will work for you.any difficulty comment again.
Yes your GoC booklet should be valid for goc endorsement.and yes you need to apply in kolkata.
Thank you for your information we will update the proceedure.
Thank you for your information we will update proceedure.
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Hi Sailor Insight,
Tks for the uploading the procedure for GMDSS renewal…in your procedure there is no mention of selecting “TELECOMMUNICATIONS” as the controller, when registering as new user…as per the BHARATKOSH user guide, unless you select TELECOMMUNICATIONS, the RECEIPT FOR DoT tab does not open…the registration has to be done specifically for TELECOMMUNICATIONS…pls find below from the user guide of the BHARATKOSH
Question 20. On Bharatkosh Website payment to DoT option is not appearing.
Answer: – User has to create a login ID specifically for DoT, then only the receipt purpose will be visible for making payment.
Question 29. User has registered himself/herself in NTRP. However, at the time of making payment, purposes of Department of Telecom not listed even under ministry list TELECOMMUNICATION not available.
Answer: – For making payment towards purposes of Department of Telecom, users must have to select Controller name – Telecommunication” during registration in NTRP.
Dear Sailor Insight
Please advise, i could not get goc endorsement from the DG shipping till now due to without RPSL sea service letter (One Year) and my GMDSS GOC need to renew before the month of February 2020, Is it mandatory of GOC Endorsement certificate to renew GOC booklet.
My GOC Issued from Kolkata, should i have to apply at kolkata ?
highly appreciated for your prompt respond.
Best Regards.
Not able to make payment.
On Bharat kosh site -its not proceeding further from purpose page.
Is it due to internet explorer version in use
I am trying to make payment after login but make your payment drop down shows only two option “Donate to swachh BharatKosh & Payment to GoI and not Reciept for DOT.
Pls Advice
On 29/06/2019 i visited bharatkosh website, i signed in website after i didnt find Receipt for DOT option i can see only 1)Donate to swachh Bharat & 2)Payment for Gol and third option is not available, can anyone suggest me reagrding this query
If we pay by Bharatkosh then what to fill up in C.O.P – 23 form in section 4 “Particulars of the State Bank of India Draft enclosed with the application” .
How much is late fee and how to pay. mine expired 6 months before.
Its been 40 days since my application RLO Delhi .Tried contacting by phone no response .What should i do ,help needed .Kindly advise .somebody mentioned it takes 50 days to receive .
Dear Sir,
Can you please confirm whether the attestation of the documents can be done by the State officials. Or is it mandatory, Central gazetted officials?
Is there any provision to upload the attested documents in the GMDSS renewal site itself
thanks for your query. yes, you can use same gazetted officer sign but for payment, you confirm from MOC or your respective RLO.
Hi, my goc application was rejected as i made payment to chennai instead of delhi. now can i use the same gazetted officer signed copies or should i get it signed again. it was signed march.
also how to pay the late fee. can i add alongwith fee of 5000 or separate. the dropdown menu i can select either fee or late fee.
At least 40 days.
How long does it take for renewal of GMDSS to reach home ?
Is there anyway to check the status of the application ?
sea time not required
send to the RLO.
is company seatime letter also needed in addition to above for renewal ?kindly assist
Do we need to send the documents to head office Delhi or RLO delhi if previous goc issued indelhi>?
Hi Sailorinsight
Following the given procedure, have made ready all the required docs, attested by gazetted officer. My query is related to the sea time record. Reg. the sea time record, the copies of the relevant pages of the CDC have been attested by the gazetted officer. In addition to this do we still require a company sea time letter? Also if this company sea time letter is to be attested by the gazetted officer too?
Can anyone advise which PAO to be selected ? NewDelhi or Regional
Good day guy,
Can anyone confirm if attestation from a gazetted officer is till required for all the copies.
Also since my GOC is issued by Mumbai RLO, Which PAO should i pay the fees to through bharatkosh? Mumbai or delhi?
Chennai RLO
Anybody still waiting for renewal sticker after sending the above mentioned docs in order?I have been waiting for over a month now after applying for a lifetime validity renewal.Any idea whom to contact?Somebody please reply
My GOC booklet is issued from Chennai and expiring in April 2019
Where should i send the mentioned document
Chennai RLO or Head office delhi
Hi Friends, I applied Renewal of my GMDSS on Nov 2018 and later on 50 days i received acknowledgement mentioned that ” As from 5/11/2018 license will be renewed only for the period either for 20 years or life time period aganist the fee payment of Rs 5000/- or Rs.10000/- respectively with other conditions remains same. So you are requested to pay fee accordingly” and on Feb 2019 i called WPC regarding the remaining payment procedure, they informed that need to pay remaining amount in bharatgosh either 9000/- for lifetime or 4000/- for 20 years (Note: Before i paid 1000/-rs in bharatgosh), Now i need to send both Transaction receipts along with acknowledgement letter and requesting letter with GMDSS Details thats it, i will update again once i receive the Renewal letter, Thanking you..
There is no option to check status of your goc on moc need to check by calling them on phone.
Wait for 40 days atleast if still not rcvd. call to regional office and ask the issue.
I send the document to mumbai RLO on 16 Jan 2019 How to check the status of my gmdss goc renewal.
I have followed the procedure explained by you and send all the required documents to Mumbai RLO on 16 Jan 2019 can you please tell me how to check the status of my gmdss goc renewal.
You send your documents to delhi RLO.
You need to do GMDSS course again.
Clear your Browser cache and try again.
Thanks for sharing your queries.
Plese confirm from RLO about ballance fee before doing any payment because now a days people are sharing fake Circular on whatsapp.and also share your feedback here also so that we can updates our readers.
Dear sir
I saw this article on goc renewal procedure and made a payment of 1000 rs in bharat kosh but before I could apply for goc I came around a circular stating fees is 5000 rs for renewal to20 years. kindly suggest if I should make the payment of balance 4000 or make a payment of 5000 again
While registering In Bharat Kosh as New User and entering mobile no it always gives error as invalid no. I am using IE and Firefox
Hi Sailor insight
My GOC got expired in May 2017. i need to renew it now. i have been working in a shipping company in Dubai as Marine superintendent for last 5 years. Can you advise if the listed procedure is applicable in my case also.
how do i get a seatime letter. Our vessels are GMDSS compliant.
Also how do i get the documents attested by gazetted officer in dubai
I am having GOC which is issued by wireless planning and co-ordination wing,SANCHAR BHAWAN, 20, Ashoka road New Delhi on 13.10.1999,
not by any of the RLO,
thanks for your earliest anticipation of reply
Procedure is given above follow that.
MY GOC was issued from chennai, expiring May 2019 ,
whom should i pay fees to PAO
Pay to PAO HEADQUARTER (077188).
dear sir
my goc issued from mumbai and apply for renewal from rlo mumbai while making payment on bharat kosh should i pay to PAO HEADQUARTER (077188) or MAHARASHTRA (077148)
Please reply me
Dear Sailor In Sight,
My GMDSS Goc is expiring on 15th Mar 19.
Recently received office memorandum from WPC forwarded through Watsup.
NP.P-14036/01/2018-C dated 14 Nov 18.
It is saying that License can be renewed for a duration of 20 yrs(fee Rs 5000/-) or life ling (fee Rs 10000/-)
So can I pay Rs 5000/ in Bharath Kosh and submit receipt .
you are welcome
Hi , Thank you i applied as mentioned and i received the renewal letter by post in under a month
I don’t think so it will create any problem.supporting documents are only for records.they are only interested in your GOC. Your data should be a available in their system.
regarding the supporting document , my COC is from Singapore , will there be a problem in renewing INDIAN GMDSS GOC? Kindly advice
Thanks you for your motivating feedback
Dear sailor insight.
thank you very much for the step by step procedure.
i have received goc renewal from mumbai ROL in 22 days.
few thing i wanted to add that in payment mode by mistake i have selected delhi ROL instead of MUMBAI ROL.
company letter i have submitted without any specific like above some1 mention for goc renewal.
Thank you very much
Dear Jerry
now as per the latest procedures of renewal of goc no need to register on wpc website. you need to download the cop23 form. and fill it manually and follow the procedure explained above and send all the document along with the application form and bharatkosh receipt to the regional office.
No, you can only apply six months before expiry.
I have followed the payment procedure on and made the payment. I cannot save the details in License payment page to generate the application ID in So cannot get the online registration acknowledgement slip. Kindly advise if online registration is required for 2nd renewal of GMDSS GOC.
Kindly advise if online registration is required for 2nd renewal of GMDSS GOC. I have followed the payment procedure on and made the payment. I cannot save the details in License payment page to generate the application ID in So cannot get the online registration acknowledgement slip.
it took 40 days for receiving renewal from delhi rlo . I had sent envelope with 50 rs stamp but they send renewal letter in their own envelope
Yes,but only select RLO from your goc was issue.
Helpful site – One question PAO to select the office to which I will finally send my application?
For eg: New Delhi RLO so to select 077177 Controller of communications New Delhi
Please confirm
I have made a transaction of 1017 INR by using my credit card, In the end it says transaction failed but same time i got a message on my mobile number that money has been deducted from my account. Does it take time to reflect it on site as upon checking it says that no transaction has been done.
No need to pay again just you submit your documents to Mumbai RLO.i hope they will consider. share your experience also once you renewed your goc.
GMDSS GOC Renewal:
While paying through bharatkosh, i selected purpose “GMDSS Licence” instead of ” (GOC)GMDSS ” in drop-down list. I already paid the money (Rs. 1250). The only option showed was in favor of ” 077188 – CONTROLLER OF COMMUNICATION ACCOUNTS, PAO HEADQUARTER, NEWDELHI”
Is that OK as I am sending the documents to MUMBAI RLO.
I have not send the documents yet . So do I need to pay the fees again to MUMBAI RLO after selection the purpose as ” (GOC)GMDSS “
Sailor Insight , thanks for this wonderful service
Dear Rahul
Thanks for your valuable feedback. procedure updated.
Dear sailor in sight
I Rahul kumar applied for renewal for GMDSS license long time back, after enquiry they said enclose a self addressed envelope with 50 rupees stamp on it.
Please update your procedure so that other mariners get their certificates in time without much enquiry.
You contact them manually by visiting at RLO
You can not renew 6 months before.
Any Gazetted officer from state
In my coc Rlo is mumbai…. So where to send application mumbai or new delhi?
Regarding GMDSS, GOC Renewal. Who should attest the documents and COP23 ? Any Gazetted officer from my state or it should be the Gazetted officer from DG shipping.
My GOC is expring on March 2019. I am planning to join in Nov 2018. For the reason I want to renew it now. Is it possible to apply for renewal even if expiry date is more than 6 month?
No you can apply only 6 month before expiry of your goc.for documents refer above procedure
Send your application to Delhi RLO.yes you can use COP-23.
Dear Sir,
Please advice which address we can send application for GOC Renewal . Last renewal was done by New Delhi Sanchar Bhawan 2013 . My GOC issue date is 17/12/2003 . In GOC place of issue New Delhi & also advice for COP-23 still we can use .
Thanks for support and Help.
I am Jancy sweetlin,
My GOC license issue date is 23 Jan 2009, Issue Place: Mumbai.
Expiry date return on the Goc license 22 Sep 2019,
Shall i apply for my GOC Renewal?
If i can apply then what all documents to be sent and to which office shall i send?
My GOC is expiring in Dec 2018. Can I apply for renewal now? Do I have to fill up online application for renewal at WPC website. The renewal window at WPC website opens only 3 months before expiry of the certificate.Kindly advise
Join our community forum for All your doubts.
Yes u can apply if validity left only 6 a days sanchar bhawan is not accepting any application you need to send your documents to Delhi RLO.
Dear Sailor Insight,
My GOC is valid till Dec 2018, can I apply now for renewal?
Thanks for details and the procedures, My last renewal was from Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi,Is that correct that I must send my application to RLO, New Delhi the address given in your web sight? Appreciate your response in this regard
Dear sailor insight, i have sent all the docs as per checklist on 6th of june 2018. Some people r telling that we have to enclose a self addressed envelope along with the docs. Its no where mentioned in the checklist n procedures. Could u pls help me out ?
When validity of your Goc six month remain. you can apply for renewal.
Sir my GOC is expiring on jan 2019. Can I apply for renewal now. Is there any special requirement.
Wait for 40 to 45 days if still not rcvd. Contact to wpc RLO manually
Hi have applied for GMDSS renewal as per steps as required but not yet received neither able to track please advice. thanks
Which goc you have Indian or some other country?
I am from a French country(Gabon), and I would like to know what to do to get my GMDSS renewal, I made it in South Africa in 2013, after the crisis we stopped working and we just restarting in December 2018, could you please help us in that issue.
My personal
We are 3 Radio operators who need GMDSS renewal.
Best regards
@Jeetendra Now procedure is changed. Follow above mention procedure for payment.demand draft is not accepted anymore.
Please let me know if renewal fees can be paid through any bank or only through SBI only as mentioned in COP23 form .
Ok Noted. Your are right we ll update as soon as possible.
I have checked all COP23 form all are same.if you have updated one plz send us on
You send your doc. To new Delhi RLO because now a days head office is not accepting any application.if you send your documents to head office they will return you back.
My GOC was last renewed in 2013 for 5 years by head office of RLO located at Sanchar Bhavan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi….Should I now send my documents for renewal to the Head office or the New Delhi RLO
Sir, the link of COP23 provided in your website require us to fill seatime for last 3 year please refer point no.6. You are requested to upload the latest form.
@Shan You should fill your COP details.
Yes you send your documents to kolkata RLO as your goc issued from kolkata .company seatime required for goc renewal. You can use ur scan copy of seatime letter but i will suggest you to use original one in order to get your goc renewed in first attempt.No only a govt. Official can attest your documents.
My GOC booklet was issued from Kolkata in 2009.
I reside at Pune.
I made renewal payment of 1000 via Bharat Kosh website today.
1)Just wanted to confirm if I shoud send my application to – RLO – Eastern Kolkata
2)Also would like to clarify if CDC copies are enough or company letter is required too.
(My seatime letter is a colour printout of a scan my office sent by email – will it be accepted?)
3) Can any MBBS attest my documents or does he have to be working at a Government hospital?
Many thanks in advance
I am a radio officer holding COP 2nd class certificate. While filling for for GMDSS GOC renewal form, what should i write under “Particulars of certificate(s) of Competency/Proficiency held by applicant”?
My GMDSS GOC details which is being renewed or COP 2nd class details?
Both certificate copy required to attest and photograph not required. As you rcvd A4 size renewal page only
1. You can apply from on-board if you can manage your signature on cop 23 and other documents.also for attestation Gazetted officer may ask your presence.
2.No need to send photograph as you rcvd A4 size renewal page only
3. 3 month before expiry of your goc you can apply.
@ Lakhwinder – 6 month required in last 5 years.there is a old version of COP 23 is available on some website please download from sailorinsight the latest version of COP23.
@Lakhwinder- now procedure is change no more online registration on wpc website required.
FYI you will rcvd your GMDSS GOC in 30 to 40 days of applying. Most of my friends whose application was rejected were informed by a rejection letter within 40 days. It might seem frustrating not to be able to track your GMDSS GOC renewal status, however if it is taking much longer than this I amadvise you for online RTI to Wireless planning and coordination Wing WPC with your details. Do let us know how long it took you to get your GMDSS GOC extension letter. Best of luck
Please advise 6 month experience is required in last 5 years or in last 3 years as the COP23 form is asking for last 3 years experience.
Do we have to fill online application on WPC website. How can we trace our application status. Please advise.
Dear Friend, is it gmdss coc which we have to get attested or the 2nd mate coc ? Also please advice regarding photographs . Thank you
kindly reply for my doubts
1,Can i apply for gmdss renewal while i’m sailing on board through my parents?
2,Don’t i need to send any photographs of mine.?
3,Can online Payment and other paperwork for renewal could be done 8 months before expiry of license and send it exactly 6 months before expiry?
No documents should be attested by a govt. Officials only.
Can we get the documents attested by a notary ? Is it mandatory that docs should be attested by a state or central government guessetted officer ? Also, nothing is mentioned regarding photographs. Do we have to send any photographs ?
OK.. Thanks again.
Nothing like that you can ask from company for two copies and this letter is only for goc.for mmd purpose you can ask another sea time letter from company and company can not denied.
Dear insight, as you had mentioned In one of your replies to some other candidate that original sea time letter is required. If we submit original sea time letter, then what about the sea time letter which is also required in original for mmd examination purpose or assessment purpose. Companies issue sea time letter only once. Pls advise
Yes in your sea time letter one line should be mention that you have done raidio communication on GMDSS equirements on your comp. Vessel
Dear sailorinsight
One more thing I want to ask that sea time letter from company needs to have anything mentioned about GMDSS compliant vessel something like that. Pls advise
You are welcome
Dear insight
Thanks for your available info.
@Venkat Time taken to receive Renewal letter- 28 days(25 in a Metro town)and you can apply 6 months before expiry of your existing goc
Dear sailorin sight,
How many days normally it take to get new GOC. And how many days before we can apply for new GOC before the expiry of existing one.
Thank you very much for taking time and effort to update the procedure.
IN NTRP, If under purpose, you select GOC(GMDSS), Payment type- Licence renewal fee, you get all 5 options under PAO. I think selecting GOC(GMDSS) instead of GMDSS Licenses should be the correct Purpose? Because when you select GMDSS Licenses you are not getting option for Late Fee payment which you get when you select GOC(GMDSS) as purpose. Please check and confirm.
@shan you select the second one controller of communication accounts PAO Headquarter. I checked personally nothing is coming like that. when we select the fee for renewal of GMDSS only the second option is coming.
@Akash send your documents to Mumbai as your goc was issued from Mumbai.for tracking of your application you should contact RLO by mail or phone.
I have for GOC issued from Mumbai. Do I need to send the renewal application to Mumbai Orr Delhi. I could not get online application as my GOC details were not there in the database. I will be sending all the documents. Is there any way I could track the application.
Many thanks for providing conversation place for GOC renewal. My GOC place of issue is New Delhi (Exam conducted in Mumbai). When i am paying through Bharatkosh, apart from Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, West bengal, there are two other options in drop down list: 1- controller of communication accounts, New Delhi, 2- controller of communication accounts, PAO Headquarter. Which one should i choose?
You just wait for some time or you can contact to MOC regarding your application.
Ok Noted we are updating the procedure.check it later
@rahul WPC Wing Regional Licencing Office, Ministry of Communications & IT, III floor, MTNL Telephone Exchange Building, Charkop, Sector -5, Kandivli, Mumbai – 400067
Tel. +91-22-28683202 Fax. +91-22-28683202
Plz share your experience later when you done your goc renewal
R L O mumbai has 2 address one in kandivali PIN 67 and one in borivali PIN 91. can u please confirm where to send all the documents.
I was not aware of the ammended process for payment and i have already sent the DD along wid all docs.
Kindly advice
Manu aggarwal
Sailor community will be highly obliged if Sailorinsight can publish lastest procedure to renew GMDSS GOC. for example, it is still not clear whether one has to first log in to and then you will redirected towards payment page. Also how does one find out RLO addresses and more fundamentally which is your RLO. Need complete guide with screen shots. (including of NTRP payment). Please consider request.
@Rahul Just follow advise in last msg
Dear sailor insight
Understood ur last msg but do I need to log in on wpc website as well, or not. And just to follow as advised above in ur last msg.
@Rahul As per latest info. Latest procedure is Take bharatkosh receipt printout, goc copy, cdc seatime copy, coc copy, original seatime letter from company, form COP 23 for Goc renewal available on google or IMU website. All these documents to be attested by a gazetted officer, even cop 23. Documents to be sent to respective RLO and not WPC sanchar bhawan. For eg. Rlo delhi, Rlo mumbai, Rlo kolkata from where the goc was issued.Any other query, i will be happy to solve your query
Dear sailor insight
Rest all process is same as before except payment or is there any changes in applying for application.
@Rahul yes that is true now DD is not required few. months back they have change the payment method .now they are accepting payment through bharatkosh only.
Dear sailor insight
Is this true that demand draft in favour of PAO (HQ), DOT is no more required. Actually I have already made a dd and is in process of applying.
Please guide
Use desktop and internet explorer
I got registered but payment options does not show,by the way i am using my phone for the process
Register yourself on bharatkosh and then pay.and submit your application to the issuing place of goc otherwise they will send your application back to you
How to pay through bharatkosh & is it OK to renew goc from chennai, my last Goc renewal was from delhi
Yes you send your all documents through post to your issuing RLO (place from your goc issue)
My GOC no is not reflecting in WPC website what should i do now can i send documents though post.
Yes attestation from gazzeted officer still required.
Is attestation by gazzeted officer still required or self attestation ok?
There is change in the procedure. now payment is made by bharatkosh and 1000 rupee is the fee for renewal.
Kindly confirm if payment is to be made using demand draft or Bharat Kosh?
If I have to use Bharat Kosh kindly guide which option to select for payment and how much is the fee 500 or 1000 INR?
Sometimes due to some technical issue this problem you face. Just refresh the page and try again if still the same. please contact to WPC support team regarding your issue.
Dear Sailor insight,
Thank you for the above step by step procedure. However after selecting my license, the next button does not appear. Kindly advise. I tried on IE, firefox and chrome too.
Gopakumar N