8 Ways To Deal With A Difficult Crew On Ship | Sailorinsight
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8 Ways to deal with a difficult crew on Ship

8 Ways to deal with a difficult crew on Ship

Sailing is a passion that all marines hold alike. For the duration, your ship is just not your workplace, but also your abode. After your duty hours, you don’t return home, u retire in your cabin.

Your world moves from one place to another while earning your livelihood. Since the conditions of working are already not ideal, it’s important that you have a crew with whom you get along.

Most of the time you will get good companions, but there are just a few times when all hell breaks loose. Some people are just bound to make others’ lives miserable, they constantly indulge in shouting, making others’ daily chores a nightmare and thereby making everyone sailing indifferent to each other.

Some people just simply don’t get it, and it’s difficult to get along, making the overall condition of the vessel also difficult. It not only hampers your productivity and work environment but also detaches you from other crew members. A healthy environment is essential for your mental well-being as well. Here are a few things you can try with difficult people on a sail.

  1. Don’t try to change the world: Although you may believe that many changes need to bring about around you, it would still be a good idea to start with small changes. You might be surprised that the small changes are all that is required to feel comfortable with parents. Like keeping the vessel clean, to the remotest part, starting from your cabin.
  2. Be polite: Rudeness or being disrespectful is not a good way to negotiate with your crew members. Show your willingness for a mature dialogue by speaking courteously. When you take up the responsibility to carry out a task, it can be a sign of leadership and others might follow. But what it will surely do is get some work done as well as display your maturity. Surely you can also lend a hand to others and help them in their task. These are good ways to show both your willingness and development.
  3. Understand your own feelings: It will be useful to open a dialogue to discuss with your seniors and fellow crew members about ways you irritate each other. Remember you can be irritating to them too – as they may be to you. The key is to respect their views which will help you to be prepared to give and take.
  4. Be a good listener: Most of the time feelings overtake us so strongly that we blank out on listening. You may not agree with everything that others have to suggest but that does not mean that it is worthless to listen to what they have to say. After all, you are cohabitants for all purposes for a long time.
  5. Work out solutions: Try to be part of the solution rather than the problem. Suggest solutions when conflicts arise by keeping the dialogue intact. It is not useful to adopt a strategy of ‘no talks’, ‘I don’t care, or ‘I don’t mingle. A crew sailing is like a world together to make peace and function smoothly a healthy atmosphere is as much your responsibility as is of others.
  6. Discover your vessel and your inmates’ fear: Take a careful look through your vessel and know what others might be also facing. Most of the time when people are angry they are actually fearful of things going wrong around them. Push them to go further and explain what they mean when they use harsh language or words. Find the reason for their fears. See if you can help them deal with it.
  7. Be positive: Many reactions come out of complaints. It is important to explain how you are feeling rather than complaining. A good way to do this is to expand on phrases such as “it’s not fair…’ or “I would be happier… “Or “we could also try to do…” or “but I am more comfortable working in this way…” In fact, you can express your preferences as a request.
  8. If all else fails: There is always a limit to what you can take or should take. If the situation comes to abuse or you find no change, it’s time to complain to your company’s headquarters. But this should be only your last resort. Sometimes ugly situations can also be turned into better one with compassion. But your good nature should not be treated as your weakness.

Giving your best complaint should be the last resort. We sincerely hope that you don’t have to face a situation like this, but just in case, these tips might come in handy.

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