Basic Qualities One Develops During His Life At Sea. | Sailorinsight
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Basic Qualities one develops during his life at sea.

Basic Qualities one develops during his life at sea.

Following are the basic qualities, which people can develop and notice during their journey, onboard various vessels. This journey moulds our skills towards perfection, through the work environment, to which we get exposed. And we must keep in mind all these skills, as a tool to review our progress. Let us go through various situations, to which one gets exposed, and the qualities gained from such situations.

Work as a team.

We come across various people on the vessel. Your ability to mingle with various people tells about your adaptability with a group.

All problems are solved through teamwork and coordination among the seafarers. If a job is assigned, people get motivated, only when they work as a team. When there is a team, we also exchange ideas and experiences among the people in the group. In a teamwork, everyone has their own opinion to express, regarding the job to be carried out. Then finally we can come out with the conclusion of the best opinion after discussion.

Self Learning mindset.

Onboard journey is the best place to apply, the concept of engineering, which we studied in our books. There are various theories of Engineering, hidden behind every action we do. Every vessel is unique in its own way, in terms of its operation and maintenance, other than the sister vessel, and we learn something unique at each vessel. Every ship also has a library which has all the manuals of machinery. Reading manuals can direct our mind to understanding the way of thinking of the author.

Thinking ahead

Visualizing all the possible outcomes of an action. Each machineries in the Engine room are interconnected. All machines are interdependent. At present, any gradual change in one parameter of a particular running machinery can cause a change in the parameter of another running machinery, in the days to come. These changes can be observed in the CHIEF ENGINEERS LOG BOOK, which is an important document maintained onboard.

Self Exploring quality

The engine room is an ocean of knowledge. It has taken its own time to evolve and adapt to various problems and demands. we can understand the evolution of the Engine room through our exploration of various ships, built during the olden days and modern days.

We can also notice various component designs implemented by various companies, through company manuals.

We can also see, some specific changes in the earliest design and latest design of a component, which the company comes up with. To be simple, single component design, changes with time, to the extent its efficiency.

This tells about the research and development, the company implements for a component design.

Preparing our body to face difficulties.

Every morning starts with a tough journey of entering the Engine room. We need to prepare our body and our mind before facing the ENGINE ROOM. Engine Room is a harsh environment, it prepares our body and mind to be tough.

When problems are created onboard, We prepare ourselves for the strength to face those problems that occur in the Engine room.

Onboard journey, sometimes prepares us to be successful in our life journey, through the following skill sets. Journey onboard the vessel, and prepare us to develop the above following skills. Please Let me know your onboard journey in the comment box below.

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