Recommendations to Avoid getting Cheated by Crewing agents

By sailor insight

Beware of Agents: Good Companies do not employ any Agents for the recruitment of the crew for their ship.

Email Address: A genuine agency or agent will never communicate the official matter through personal emails

Check the website of the company: You must always check the website of the company you are applying to. If they don't have a proper website, it might be a red flag.

Check the address of the company: You must always check the address of the company. If it is a residential address, it might be a red flag.

 Check the phone number of the company: You must always check the phone number of the company. If it is a personal phone number, it might be a red flag.

E-Migration: Remember there is e-Migrate. Without this, you cannot leave Indian Immigration.

Check your Visa: Never Fly out on a Tourist Visa.